
Years of trust

  • AED

    Buy 9.75610 | Sell 9.72290

  • SAR

    Buy 9.99001 | Sell 9.95025

  • KWD

    Buy 0.82645 | Sell 0.81301

  • USD

    Buy 2.66667 | Sell 2.64550

  • GBP

    Buy 1.97355 | Sell 1.91022

  • EUR

    Buy 2.33536 | Sell 2.25734

  • THB

    Buy 90.09009 | Sell 87.71930

  • PHP

    Buy 136.98630 | Sell 128.86598

  • TRY

    Buy 24.40215 | Sell 21.50075

  • JOD

    Buy 1.88929 | Sell 1.86706

  • OMR

    Buy 1.03093 | Sell 1.02041

*Forex rate are indicative only. Contact our nearest branch for the latest rates.



Years of Experience

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